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4 Best Benefits Of Probiotics For Oral Health

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Probiotics are a type of bacteria that promote healthy bacterial balance in the mouth and gut. This can help prevent oral diseases, including cavities and bad breath.

Unlike some over-the-counter dental products, which primarily target volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) to reduce bad breath, dental probiotics aim to eliminate the source of bad breath in the mouth rather than masking it.

4 Best Benefits Of Probiotics For Oral Health

1. Prevents Tooth Decay

Probiotics have been found to be useful in preventing dental health issues, such as bad breath, cavities, gum disease, and even oral cancer. They also may be beneficial for those who have undergone a recent dental implant procedure.

According to the official Prodentim website, tooth decay occurs when bacteria break down the tooth surface, leading to a cavity in the tooth. This process is called enamel decalcification and can cause serious dental problems in the future.

When bacteria break down the tooth, they can release acids that change the pH in your mouth and pull calcium out of the tooth, causing damage to the structure of the tooth. This can lead to tooth fracture and tooth loss.

Research has shown that certain probiotics can stop bacteria from breaking down the tooth’s surface. Some of these probiotics include Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species.

Those probiotics that reduce the growth of Streptococcus mutans have also been found to prevent dental caries. This is the most well-studied probiotic for reducing tooth decay.

In addition, research has found that these probiotics can also prevent the regrowth of a type of candida yeast in your mouth, which is known as oral thrush. When these probiotics are used along with a strict dietary plan that eliminates the foods that feed candida, the symptoms of oral thrush can be reduced.

It’s important to note that while many studies show some positive results, it’s not conclusive yet whether these probiotics can truly prevent tooth decay. This is because tooth decay is the result of a combination of factors, such as mineral and nutrient absorption balance, saliva, microbial balance, diet, and more.

This is why it’s important to have a balanced microbial balance in your mouth. This can be done by eating a healthy diet and regularly brushing and flossing your teeth.

Another way to combat tooth decay is by using a fluoride treatment, which can help strengthen the teeth’s natural defenses against bacteria and other pathogens that cause dental plaque. It also increases saliva flow and delivers ions that help to remineralize the teeth’s enamel.

Finally, a good diet and regular professional cleanings are the most effective ways to fight the bacteria that cause oral disease. However, in the event that the bacteria do take over your mouth, you can use a probiotic to help to restore your natural balance of good bacteria and fight off the bad bacteria.

2. Prevents Gum Disease

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that boost the immune system and help keep the body’s digestive health in balance. They also can prevent and treat some diseases.

Your mouth is home to more than 700 different kinds of microbes, including harmful ones that can lead to gum disease and other dental problems if they are not kept in check. It is this microbial balance that determines your overall health.

When that balance gets out of whack, your body can’t fight off the harmful bacteria and can start to damage the gums. This can lead to tooth decay and bad breath, and it can also destroy the bone that supports your teeth.

One way to combat the harmful bacteria that cause gum disease is to eat foods and drink beverages rich in probiotics. These include probiotic milk, kefir, and yogurt. They contain live and active cultures that can help ward off the pathogenic bacteria and boost your immune system to keep your mouth healthy.

The probiotic bacteria in probiotic milk, for example, have been shown to reduce the inflammation that causes gum disease. This is because they can increase your body’s natural levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

Another study found that oral probiotics can help keep your teeth healthy by reducing the amount of plaque in your mouth. They also help to reduce the acidity in your mouth, which can lead to dental cavities and tooth sensitivity.

A probiotic supplement like Prodentim containing Lactobacillus Reuteri or Streptococcus A12 can help prevent gum disease and the buildup of plaque that causes cavities. They can also help kill the microbes that lead to gingivitis.

Some people take probiotics as a way to treat other medical conditions, but they are particularly effective in improving your oral health. Studies have shown that the good bacteria in a probiotic can reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay, freshen your breath, and prevent oral thrush, a condition that occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast on your tongue.

A recent study involving 59 patients with gingivitis found that those who took a probiotic-containing supplement experienced improved gum health and decreased their sensitivity to pain. Another study reported that daily consumption of a probiotic-containing dairy product decreased oral inflammation and bleeding.

3. Prevents Bad Breath

Oral probiotics work to restore the correct balance of bacteria in your mouth. When that balance is out of whack, problems like gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath can occur.

In most cases, bad breath is caused by odor-producing bacteria in your mouth and throat. These microbes produce foul-smelling gases, known as volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). Brushing, flossing, swishing mouthwash, and chewing gum can remove these bacteria from the teeth and tongue, but they only mask halitosis for a while.

These VSCs, which smell like rotten eggs or dying cabbage, are produced as the bugs in your mouth metabolize proteins. Once those VSCs are released into your breath, they irritate the gum pockets and decrease the amount of oxygen in those areas. This oxygen-poor environment attracts even more harmful anaerobic bacteria.

As the bad-breath-causing anaerobic bacteria thrive in this oxygen-poor environment, they produce more VSCs. The bacteria eventually start to crowd out the good, thriving bacteria that naturally populate your mouth and keep your mouth clean.

A recent study found that consuming probiotics from fermented foods can help improve your breath. The researchers discovered that a probiotic strain called K12 reduces the amount of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth, which is one of the primary causes of bad breath.

When people took the probiotics for a period of 2 weeks or longer, the bacteria that cause halitosis were significantly reduced in number. Compared with the placebo group, they also had less measurable breath odor.

The probiotics that were studied included Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus reuteri. These two strains were found in many cultures and have been used for centuries to treat digestive issues, including bloating, diarrhea, and acid reflux.

They’ve also been proven to prevent the development of respiratory infections, such as the common cold, sinusitis, strep throat, and bronchitis.

Aside from preventing these diseases, Supplements like Prodentim that contain dental probiotics can also improve your overall health by helping to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They can also inhibit the growth of cavity-causing bacteria and sooth gingivitis, a form of gum disease. They can even protect against oral cancer, which is a deadly disease that often develops when you have a lot of plaque on your teeth.

4. Reduces the Risk of Oral Cancer

A healthy oral microbiome can help to reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and thrush. In addition, these good bacteria are also responsible for reducing bad breath and boosting your immune system.

Aside from their obvious health benefits, many people are unaware that a healthy microbiome can actually improve your overall health and reduce the odds of getting cancer in the future. The best way to achieve this is by keeping your mouth clean and your dietary habits in check. In fact, many medical professionals are encouraging their patients to incorporate probiotics into their routines as part of a comprehensive plan to improve their overall health.

While you should always consult with your physician before trying a new supplement regimen, probiotics are a worthy ally in the fight against cancer. For example, the foxy bacterial cousins of good old fashioned antibiotics can help to prevent infections that may otherwise lead to a host of ills including the likes of gingivitis and periodontitis.

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