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5 Steps to Becoming a Nurse

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Nursing is a popular field within healthcare. It’s a diverse and important job that offers many career paths and opportunities. If you’re thinking about becoming a nurse, there’s a direct path on how to get there. It all starts with getting a degree in nursing.

5 Steps to Becoming a Nurse

If you decide that nursing is the right job for you, follow these six steps to become one yourself.

Get a Degree in Nursing

First of all, you need to get a degree. To be a nurse, you need to have formal education. There are many other jobs in healthcare where you don’t need a formal education but nursing isn’t one of them.

Most nursing positions require a bachelor’s degree but there are also some positions where an associate’s degree is sufficient. You will also be able to find positions where a master’s degree is required. The natural step, however, is to start by taking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. You can do this in several ways.

You can choose between a traditional academic institution such as a university or college. It usually takes four years to become a nurse. You can also consider taking your degree online. You can choose between a variety of online universities that allow you to obtain your degree in a shorter amount of time. At online universities, you can take both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Taking your degree online can make your studies more flexible and usually also cheaper than at traditional universities. If you’re thinking about studying online, you can take a look at the BSN to MSN degree available in Massachusetts.

Obtain a License

You need a license in order to practice nursing. You will have to pass a national nursing licensure examination in order to get your license. You will be guided on how to do this when you’re taking your degree. There is more than one type of license that you can choose to obtain, depending on what you want to do with your nursing degree. It’s pivotal that you find the correct one before you start practicing.

Find Employment

Now that you’ve got your degree and the necessary license, you’re finally ready to start looking for employment.

Nursing is a growing field with high demand. But it’s also a popular field, so even though demand is growing, there might still be quite the competition for jobs. How hard the hunt will be for you to find a job depends on a variety of factors.

One is location. If you’re looking at job postings in an area with many hospitals and clinics, there are more options to choose from. On the other hand, there can be an advantage to searching in areas with less competition. Another factor is the field that you’re looking to work within. Some fields are obviously more popular than others. If you’re having trouble finding employment in a specific field, it might be a good idea to start somewhere else. When you get more experience, you will naturally become a more attractive candidate for your dream job.

Choose your Specialty

At some point, you might choose to specialize. It is a smart career decision to specialize in a specific field. It will make you stand out from other candidates, it will give you more to stand behind when you are seeking a higher salary and will make you specifically qualified to work in your field of choice. If you have the opportunity to specialize, it’s a very beneficial choice. There are several ways to specialize in a field. Usually, it will take some kind of continued education.

One popular nursing specialty is to be a nurse midwife, where you will guide patients during both their pregnancy and delivery of a child. It’s a specialty that offers a good salary and is in high demand. Another popular specialty is critical care nursing, where you’ll usually work in trauma centers and critical care units. To find the right specialty for you, it’s a good idea to browse the broad selection of nursing specialties available.

Explore Additional Training

In nursing, like in so many other fields, it’s a good idea to continue to learn and develop your skills. This is why many nurses continue to explore additional training throughout their careers. It can be further schooling with a focus on a particular skill or perhaps a leadership course, for example. This is another way to continue to shape and advance your career perspectives.

Think of The Future

It can be challenging to transition from college or university into your first job. Once you’ve secured your degree and are ready to start looking for your first job, there are some things that can be helpful to keep in mind.

First of all, you should work on making the best possible resume for your application. You can do this continuously and right from the beginning, not only when you’re done with your degree. Note every seminar or voluntary work you do in the field, so that you have it on hand when creating your resume. The more you put in your resume, the more likely you are to get a job.

Another thing to remember is that you might not get your dream job from the start. It can be a really good idea to start somewhere and gain some experience. Once you’ve managed to gain some experience in your first job, you’ll be much more likely to get your dream job later on. This is also where you can consider doing a master’s and specializing in order to be qualified to work in your preferred field.


The reasons for wanting to become a nurse are abundant. It’s a job that touches many different areas of healthcare and where you are able to specialize in many fields.

Most nurses choose their careers because they want to work with people and make a difference in the world. Being a nurse is a complex job where you need many different skills. You need medical knowledge of treatment and equipment as well as skills in communication and care. To figure out whether nursing is the right career path for you, feel free to spend more time researching this profession.

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