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Fire Up Belly Fat Loss

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If you’re looking for a fat-burning belly workout, then you’ve come to the right place. In this fire-up workout, you’ll work every muscle in your body while increasing your heart rate. In addition to this, you’ll see your belly fat disappear in a matter of weeks. The secret? Doing exercises that involve working out hard while keeping rest periods short. That way, your body will feel the burn and lose weight in a matter of weeks!

Fire Up Belly Fat Loss

Weightlifting moves

Exercise can help you burn belly fat. Any type of exercise is better than none, but certain weightlifting moves will help you burn belly fat faster. You should incorporate a workout plan that involves core-specific exercises as well as strength-training moves for the entire body. The more core-specific your exercises are, the more fat you’ll burn. Read on to discover which moves will help you burn belly fat faster.

Rowing is a great exercise that challenges balance and shoulder mobility. To do this move, brace your core and lower the weights slowly. This workout will also help you build shoulders and arms. For a more challenging workout, use rounded dumbbells. Make sure to use proper form when doing these exercises. Performing each rep properly can help you lose belly fat. The next time you’re at the gym, do a workout that will challenge your core and build your back muscles.

Side plank

A side plank is an excellent exercise for burning belly fat. This exercise works all of the muscles of the abdomen, including the obliques and rectus abdominis. For the best results, do the exercise with a fitness instructor. Holding the plank for twenty seconds at a time is a good start, and you can increase it to one minute as you get more experienced. For maximum benefits, do at least three sets of 20 reps.

In order to perform a side plank, place your elbows on the floor, forming a straight line. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, then slowly lower the hips towards the floor. Repeat for as many reps as you can. You can also perform the exercise with your legs raised up 90 degrees. Make sure you have a strong core and abs to get the most out of this exercise.

Soy sauce

Soy sauce is a common ingredient in many Asian dishes, but the truth is that it can also be detrimental to your weight-loss efforts. Although soy contains zero calories, it is very high in sodium. When consumed in excess, soy sauce can cause water retention, which may lead to temporary weight gain. If you’re not vegan, or a vegetarian, you may want to consider other vegetarian protein sources like beans and nuts.

Cayenne pepper

While cayenne pepper is not a miracle weight-loss drug, it does help you to lose a little extra fat in the abdomen. It is an excellent tool when combined with a proper diet and exercise regimen. A teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your meal is enough to curb your appetite and reduce your calorie intake. In addition, it can improve your feelings of fullness. While the effects of cayenne pepper on the body are not immediate, they can certainly help you lose a few extra pounds.

Peppers are high in capsaicin, an active ingredient that gives them their hot flavor. Capsaicin acts on sensory nerves and inhibits the action of substance P, which helps to prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. By activating this receptor, cayenne pepper will increase your metabolism and reduce fat cells [Also read : Meticore Reviews | 10 Second Ritual For Weight Loss by Todd Pittman]. It can help you lose belly fat in a few weeks! But you should avoid consuming too much cayenne pepper or you may find yourself burning your face instead of losing fat!

Lean protein

Adding lean protein to your diet will help you lose unwanted belly fat, while keeping you full for longer. Proteins are essential to burning fat around the midsection, and eating more lean protein is a great way to get more of them. Lean meat, seafood, tofu, eggs, dairy and even certain types of cheese will help your body burn fat and keep your stomach flat. So, how can you add more protein to your diet?

Try substituting turkey meatballs for beef meatballs in your favorite Italian Wedding soup, or serve shrimp in fajita salad or wraps instead of chicken. Another good source of protein is chickpeas, a plant-based food that has all nine essential amino acids and helps the body burn calories. Chickpeas contain high fiber, which helps you keep off the weight you lose.


Stress, especially chronic stress, triggers your body to produce an increased amount of the hormone cortisol. When cortisol levels are elevated, your body is telling your cells to store fat in anticipation of a stressful situation. But, while short-term stress does not damage your body, chronic stress is detrimental to your waistline. Stress causes the storage of fat around internal organs. To help your body burn this stored fat, it’s important to reduce your cortisol levels.

The hormone cortisol regulates vital functions and energy levels. The hypothalamus directs adrenal glands to produce cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones boost the body’s energy levels during times of stress. Adrenaline boosts metabolism and makes you feel alert. It is a vicious cycle. When cortisol levels are too high, your body stores more fat in your abdominal region.


Besides following a strict diet, you should also combine exercise with core-specific moves for faster fat burning. Age and genes play small roles in fat storage, but a balanced diet with little to no processed carbohydrates and regular physical activity will help you shed belly fat. Ideally, you should perform a cardiovascular workout five times a week and combine it with resistance-training exercises. This way, you’ll burn fat faster while also promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Apart from losing belly fat, you should also add certain foods that boost your metabolism. The foods mentioned above are known to reduce hunger, promote fat metabolism, and lower cholesterol. Lentils are an excellent source of protein and also help curb ravenous appetite. They contain a compound called acetate that signals your brain to stop eating. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in which people who ate lentils daily reported feeling full for longer than those who didn’t. In addition, they showed a decrease in body fat percentage and weight loss.

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Belly fat is the soft layer beneath your skin that forms around your organs. It is linked to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, and is highly metabolically active. The layers of fat around your abdomen interfere with your hormones, including those that control your appetite. The layers of fat also increase stress levels. Ultimately, you can only lose belly fat through losing weight, and exercise can help. Here are five ways exercise can fire up belly fat loss.

Mountain Climbers: This is one of the most popular exercises for burning belly fat, and it will increase your heart rate and muscle power. It will also help lower your stress levels and improve your cardiovascular health. To fire up your belly fat loss, perform a mountain climber as fast as you can, while keeping your back straight. Aim for at least 20 repetitions in a set. Another effective exercise is tuck jumps, which are a high-impact explosive movement that can target your abs.

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