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Nitric oxide (NO) is a chemical that’s produced by nearly every cell in your body. It’s also a vasodilator, meaning it widens blood vessels to increase blood flow, which helps your heart function properly.
Boosting your nitric oxide levels through diet can be a simple way to improve your overall health. But if you’re looking for a more effective way to get your NO fix, consider taking a supplement.
Whether you’re a seasoned exerciser or new to the world of supplemental nutrition, nitric oxide supplements have the potential to boost your health and performance in many ways. NO is a gas produced naturally by the body that plays an important role in many cellular and organ functions, including blood flow regulation.

Ways Nitric Oxide Supplements Boost Your Health and Performance
There are several ways you can increase your nitric oxide levels in the body, though dietary sources are typically the best option. Eating a high-protein diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats is a great way to get nitric oxide in your system.
Vegetables rich in nitrate are also good sources of nitric oxide. Beets, arugula, endive, parsley, leeks, fennel, and broccoli are all excellent sources of nitrates that can help you boost your nitric oxide production.
Some of these nutrients are also able to improve your vasodilation (the widening of blood vessels) when you’re exercising, which can help deliver more oxygen and other nutrients to your muscles. In addition to this, nitric oxide can also decrease muscle soreness after intense training by helping the blood vessels transport nutrient-rich blood and remove waste products like ammonia and lactate that build up in the muscles during exercise.
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Protein Synthesis & Oxygen Delivery
Nitric oxide can help speed your body’s ability to produce muscle protein and other key building blocks of the body. This process involves a series of hormones, enzymes, molecules, and cells working together in your body to break down amino acids, create new proteins, and deliver these proteins to muscles.
By increasing your nitric oxide production, you can make the most of this process and achieve greater gains in strength, size, and recovery after workouts. This can be a huge advantage in the gym and beyond, as it means that your body can work out harder and longer without sacrificing muscle growth or compromising recovery.
Here are 5 Ways Nitric Oxide Supplements Boost Your Health and Performance:
Nitric Oxide helps treat erectile dysfunction
While a nitric oxide deficiency isn’t the only cause of erectile dysfunction, it’s a contributing factor. A lack of nitric oxide causes your blood vessels to narrow, which can lead to weak erections and a low libido.
Luckily, there are medications and supplements that can help you boost your nitric oxide levels. They can increase nitric oxide production and improve blood flow to the penis, which will lead to more consistent erections.
These medications belong to a class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors, and they can be taken as needed 30 to 60 minutes before sex to improve your erections. These drugs, like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are FDA-approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. They’re easy to take and can be prescribed online, following a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider.
PDE5 inhibitors also work by preventing an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5 from restricting blood flow to the erectile tissue inside your penis, which can help you achieve stronger and longer erections. Some men may also experience mild side effects from these medications, including headaches and dizziness.
Some supplements, like l-citrulline, can increase your body’s production of nitric oxide. L-citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that your kidneys convert into another amino acid, arginine, which can then increase your nitric oxide production.
Nitric oxide supplements can also boost your libido, which will help you feel more sexually active and confident in bed. One study found that men who took a supplement containing l-citrulline experienced an increased level of sexual drive.
Libido is an important component of sexual performance, and it can be reduced by many different factors, such as low testosterone levels, depression, chronic illness, sleep problems, stress, and age. A low libido can reduce your confidence and self-esteem, and even make you think twice about sex.
A study published in Sex Medicine reviewed a potential novel approach for treating erectile dysfunction: light-controllable nitric oxide donors and nanoformulations. The researchers found that the use of these nitric oxide donors can help improve erections in men with ED.
Some of these nitric oxide donors can be applied by a doctor using a catheter, and others can be used with light irradiation. However, it’s important to remember that these methods aren’t always effective and can sometimes be risky, so it’s best to consult a physician before using any of these products.
Some studies have shown that nitric oxide can also improve sexual performance and increase stamina in men and women. Red Boost blood flow support supplement, for example, is an all-natural supplement that helps regulate erectile dysfunction, improve sexual function and increase libido. The supplement also comes with a 180-day money back guarantee, which means you can try it risk-free!
Nitric Oxide May Decrease Muscle Soreness
It’s common for strength athletes and bodybuilders to experience muscle soreness after an intense workout or a new exercise routine. This is often caused by microscopic tears in the muscles and a buildup of lactic acid and other cellular waste products that interfere with muscle contraction and cause pain. But by increasing blood flow to muscles, nitric oxide may help ease this soreness, speed recovery and prevent post-workout fatigue.
A study published in Nature Medicine suggests that nitric oxide may play a role in reducing muscle soreness following an intense workout by preventing the release of arginine sulfate. This amino acid plays a key role in the urea cycle that clears ammonia from the body. Previously, it was believed that nitric oxide production was largely dependent on arginine sulfate; however, the researchers found that an enzyme called ASL also plays an important role in the process.
The nitric oxide produced by the enzyme ASL acts as a substrate for the endothelial nitric oxide synthase, resulting in higher nitric oxide levels and increased blood flow to your muscles. SwissRX(tm) Nitric Oxide also contains Grape Seed Extract, which further enhances the body’s nitric oxide production and increases the levels of this vital nutrient in the blood.
Nitric Oxide may also decrease muscle soreness by ensuring that you have enough oxygen in the muscles to generate energy for your next workout. This is crucial for endurance and strength athletes who perform long-lasting exercises that require a lot of energy, because exhaustion can lead to extreme fatigue, body weakness, muscle cramps, and pain.
The right nitric oxide supplement can help you avoid all of these issues and get the most out of your training. While there are many nitric oxide supplements available, it’s best to choose one that contains ingredients that have been proven to be safe and effective. For example, the NitriLean supplement use a combination of Grape Seed Extract and Citrulline to promote your body’s nitric oxide production that can help you lose weight and build muscle effectively. They also have a low price point and offer a 60-day money back guarantee.
Nitric Oxide lowers blood pressure
As one of the principal oxides of nitrogen, nitric oxide is a colorless gas that is created by the body from dietary nitrate and arginine. It is a powerful vasodilator (an agent that relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow) and plays an important role in regulating cardiovascular function, mitochondrial production, calcium transport, oxidative stress, and skeletal muscle repair.
Several studies have shown that nitric oxide can significantly reduce blood pressure. It also improves the health of the heart by reducing inflammation, which can lead to conditions like atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
It can also help prevent blood clots, which can be dangerous to the heart and cause strokes. It can also lower inflammatory markers and make the blood platelets less sticky, which can decrease the likelihood of them clumping together.
You can get nitric oxide from a variety of sources, including vegetables, legumes, fish, nuts, and seeds. Eat more of these foods to boost your nitric oxide levels.
According to the official website CardioShield, nitric oxide is produced in the endothelium, or inner layer of blood vessels, which contains smooth muscle cells that regulate blood flow through the vessels. It is also produced by certain types of cells, including neurons and immune cells.
The endothelium uses nitric oxide to regulate blood pressure and regulate the way that blood flows through the arteries. It does this by releasing the nitric oxide molecule, which then diffuses into smooth muscle cells to relax them.
In a study published in 2014, researchers found that an oral supplement with nitric oxide precursors lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure within an hour after taking the supplement. The treatment was also associated with a significant increase in endothelial function and blood flow.
Several Cardio Shield reviews also show that increasing nitric oxide is also beneficial for your heart and cardiovascular health, as it can prevent blood clots in your arteries. It can also help your blood vessels widen, which can lead to lower blood pressure and a healthier heart.
If you already have high blood pressure, talk with your doctor about whether nitric oxide supplements may be right for you. They can be helpful but can also interfere with medications, so be sure to discuss them with your doctor before taking them.
Nitric Oxide Boosts Exercise Performance
Nitric Oxide is the molecule that regulates blood flow, muscle contractility and mitochondrial respiration. It is known to improve exercise performance, reducing fatigue and increasing the oxygen uptake by energy-producing mitochondria, which in turn helps to reduce perceived exertion and increase endurance.
The body produces nitric oxide through a series of processes, including the synthesis of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (ENDO) and nitric oxide produced by neurons in the autonomic nervous system. ENDO, the primary site of nitric oxide production, is found in the walls of blood vessels and smooth muscle cells. The nitric oxide it releases relaxes vascular smooth muscle, thereby widening the openings of the vessels and reducing blood pressure.
Some nitric oxide-boosting supplements are also made from amino acids that your body naturally synthesizes or converts into nitric oxide, including L-citrulline and arginine. Athletes can consume supplemental arginine and citrulline before a workout to enhance their nitric oxide production.
Nitric Oxide May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Nitric Oxide is a small-molecule gas produced by your body that helps keep blood vessels flexible and encourages your cells to use glucose for energy. It also increases your metabolic price and improves your ability to burn fat.
When you have type 2 diabetes, your body can’t make enough insulin to effectively use sugar in your blood. Normally, the insulin your pancreas makes will send glucose into your liver and muscle cells where it can be used for energy.
If your body can’t make enough insulin, it can’t get the sugar into your blood, and your glucose levels stay too high. Managing this condition requires lifestyle changes and medications.
Among other things, it requires regular exercise and calorie restriction to help control your blood sugar and make you more sensitive to insulin. You also need to take your medication on a long-term basis.
Taking supplements that contain l-arginine or citrulline can help your body produce more nitric oxide. This will help your blood vessels dilate and reduce the risk of developing a heart attack or other blood vessel damage. It also may help your immune system fight infections. Poor vessel health leads to high blood pressure and heart disease, which are common complications of diabetes.
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Nitric Oxide Side Effects
Nitric oxide can cause some side effects when taken in excess, including gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting. You may also experience headaches or a lack of energy.
While nitric oxide supplements can help you achieve your fitness goals, it’s still important to follow a healthy diet and stay active to achieve the best results possible. It’s also important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplements, so you can avoid any harmful side effects or interactions with medications.
The bottom line
Nitric oxide (NO) is a natural chemical in the body that plays a role in many processes, from immune defense to cardiovascular health. The molecule is released by macrophages in the immune system as part of their mission to destroy foreign invaders and prevent infection.
The molecule also has an important role in heart health and can help to reduce blood pressure, thereby improving a person’s overall cardiovascular health. NO also helps to make blood platelets less sticky, which is helpful because it makes them less likely to clump together and form a blood clot that can cause heart disease or strokes.
One of the best ways to boost nitric oxide levels naturally is to increase your intake of foods rich in nitrates and precursors like arginine and citrulline. These nutrients can be found in a variety of foods, such as leafy vegetables, carrots, and broccoli.
Supplements may offer the same benefits as these nitrate-rich foods, but they do have a few risks. Taking supplements before workouts can potentially lead to nausea or other digestive issues, and some ingredients such as L-citrulline may cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure, so check with your doctor before you decide to take nitric oxide supplements.