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Metabrim NRG Reviews | Fire Up Your Fat-Burning Engine & Supercharge Energy Levels

Metabrim NRG Review

Metabrim NRG is an all-natural metabolism-boosting formula consists of 9 of the most potent high quality ingredients that help users in reducing body fat effectively and completely safe. Metabrim NRG supplement is intended to stimulate your vagus nervous system, making it easier to lose weight.

Does Metabrim NRG work? Or is it another weight loss supplement scam? Keep reading our honest review to discover everything you need to know about Metabrim NRG.

Have you ever wondered how some people feel full and satisfied after a modest amount of food while others remain hungry until they consume a substantial portion? It can find the answer to this question in the sensitivity of their vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve connects your gut to your brain and is an essential component of the parasympathetic nervous system. Signals travelling up the vagus nerve from the stomach to the brain affect feelings of hunger and fullness, mood and stress levels, and trigger an inflammatory stress response. On the other hand, signals travel down the vagus nerve from the brain to the intestines, affecting digestion, digestive enzyme release, and gastrointestinal motility. Study available at : Stress, cortisol, and other appetite-related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6-month changes in food cravings and weight.

It is an important pathway, and vagus nerve activation has been linked to obesity, gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders like depression, and many other chronic health problems. In addition, obesity is associated with decreased sensitivity of the vagus nerve to satiety signals, and there is ample evidence that this is caused explicitly by diet.

Many supplements have recently appeared on the market to help with this problem. One such supplement is the all-natural “Metabrim NRG”. Vitabrim Health’s Metabrim NRG is a fat-burning weight loss pill containing a Neuro-Stomach Breakthrough through Vagus Gap and metabolism-boosting ingredients. Compared to conventional supplements, it provides the body with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and protein to aid weight loss.

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Metabrim NRG Review

What is Metabrim NRG?

Metabrim NRG is a weight loss and metabolism supplement sold through According to the makers of Metabrim NRG, this supplement will boost metabolism, help curb appetite, boost energy levels, promote mental focus, and promote cardiovascular health, along with improved cardiovascular other health benefits.

Metabrim NRG uses a blend of nine ingredients to achieve those benefits, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and plant extracts. Taking together these ingredients provide a powerful metabolism booster that can help you quickly burn fat and lose weight.

How To Improve Metabolism Booster

How Does Metabrim NRG Work?

According to Metabrim NRG Review, Metabrim NRG is a combination of thermogenic fat burning ingredients. Like other thermogenic, the ingredients in this product can boost your metabolism, forcing your body to burn more calories at rest. In addition, thermostats can raise your internal body temperature, heat your body, and cause you to burn more calories. That means you can easily maintain a calorie deficit and lose weight.

By taking two Metabrim NRG tablets per day, you can enjoy all of the following benefits, according to the manufacturer:

Unlike other diet pills sold online today, Metabrim NRG does not claim to lead to easy weight loss without diet and exercise. Instead, the manufacturer claims the supplement works best to complement a diet and exercise program. By taking this weight loss supplement and following a careful diet and exercise regimen, you can purposefully lose weight.

Effective Metabolism Boosting

The Story Behind Metabrim NRG

At, you will learn the impressive story of the development of Metabrim NRG. The supplement was developed by a Peace Corps physician named Brad Palmer, who discovered a “potential vulnerability of vagal depletion” that lowers your metabolism as you age.

As you age, your vagus nerve weakens, making it harder to balance your metabolism and lose weight. Even if you’re doing everything right with diet and exercise, you can still gain weight due to this vagus nerve impairment.

Brad Palmer was motivated to discover a weight-loss method when he witnessed a group of teenagers mocking his obese wife. Here’sHere’s how he explains the problem:

“I will never forget the despairing look in my wife’s eyes – tears welling up in shame and humiliation… When a group of minors powerlessly mocked the love of my life.”

The humiliating incident happened at the airport. Sophie, Brad’sBrad’s wife, had just tripped over the luggage belt, causing it to break.

Brad has been fat for most of his life. So he hates seeing people being bullied because of his weight. Here’sHere’s how he explains his reaction to his wife’s embarrassment:

“Absolute mortification – I am entirely speechless… My stiff jaw dropped, and my shoulders sagged, failing. I desperately wanted to shield my wife from the hundreds of eyes that were digging into us. Her face contorted with pain, trying to hold back her tears, and I knew I was too late. Irreversible damage has been done. “”

After the incident, Brad began researching natural remedies for weight gain. Brad claims he “accidentally learned” about the vagus nerve and how it affects metabolism with age.

Brad met a man named Dr. Mike Leavitt. Brad describes him as “Magic Mike” for his weight loss advice.

To make a long story short, Brad developed a recipe based on Dr. Mike’sMike’s advice. That formula targets the vagus nerve. He tested the recipe on his wife, and his wife quickly lost 38 pounds of fat “in just a few weeks.”

Driven by the success of his wife’s weight loss program, Brad partnered with a nutritional supplement company, and he now offers Metabrim NRG online to anyone looking to lose weight.


The Vagus Nerve and Weight Loss

There is a small network of nerves inside your body that connects your digestive system to your brain. It’s called the vagus nerve, although it’s a connection of many nerves. Study available at : Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain–Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders.

The vagus nerve is responsible for communication between your brain, stomach, and intestines. For example, it tells your brain when you are hungry or full. It also describes your body whether to burn or store fat.

The vagus nerve tells you how much to eat, when to eat, and when to stop eating. It means you what kind of food you crave. It is also responsible for your body’s natural cycle of rest and digestion.

According to the makers of Metabrim NRG, your vagus nerve weakens with age. When your vagus nerve weakens, it sends mixed messages between your stomach and body. The makers of this product describe it as a “nervous stomach disorder.”

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How Neuro Gastric Confusion makes you gain weight

As you age, your vagus nerve weakens. It makes it harder for you to lose weight – and easier to gain weight. This neurogenic stomach disorder is one of the reasons why people tend to gain weight as they age. But, according to the makers of Metabrim NRG, dietary and lifestyle factors can make gastroparesis even worse.

A nervous stomach disorder is a condition aggravated by stress, poor quality sleep, and even over-exercising.

Plus, when your body produces too much cortisol, it can worsen your nervous stomach upset. It’s a cycle that repeats itself: as you gain weight, you feel more stressed and anxious. When you feel more stressed and anxious, your body produces more cortisol, leading to more weight gain and stomach upset.

How to solve Neuro Gastric Confusion

Dr. Mike, a person involved in Metabrim NRG, claims that he discovered the cure (i.e. cure) for a nervous stomach disorder while on a mission in Madagascar.

In a village in Madagascar, people had a unique eating ritual. Here’s how describes it:

“Before each meal, they would all stop, close their eyes and take a few deep breaths (Study available at : Relaxation techniques: Breath focus)… And then eat. Their morning meal is usually just an exotic sweet potato.”

While staying in this village, Dr. Mike has lost a significant amount of weight. He also feels more energetic and optimistic than in previous years. He thinks he caught some bug in Madagascar. So instead, he traced the benefits of exotic sweet potatoes and the village’s morning ritual. Those yams are called elephant root yams. Yams are rich in an ingredient called glucomannan. Dr. Mike has provided his body with the glucomannan needed to deal with nervous stomach disorders by eating heliotrope root daily. As a result, he makes it easier to lose weight.

How To Burn Access Stubborn Fat

Metabrim NRG Ingredients

Every weight loss supplement claims to help you lose weight by using natural ingredients. Some accessories live up to that promise, while others don’t. So what’s inside Metabrim NRG? What makes Metabrim’s components unique from competitors?

Metabrim NRG contains nine ingredients involved in metabolism and fat burning. Here are all the ingredients in Metabrim NRG and how they work, according to the official website:

Glucomannan: Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble fibre. According to, it is “one of the most effective soluble fibres on earth.” Like other types of fibre, glucomannan takes up space in your stomach, making you feel fuller for longer – without increasing your daily calorie intake. Fibre also slows stomach emptying, helping you feel fuller for longer. And it reduces the absorption of fat by your intestines. The makers of Metabrim NRG were motivated to supplement with glucomannan after witnessing the effects of heliotrope, a glucomannan-rich yam. The manufacturer claims the glucomannan in their formula is particularly effective in regulating neurogenic gastroparesis, which is the communication between your brain and stomach.

L-Tyrosine: The makers of Metabrim NRG describe L-tyrosine as “a potent amino acid” because of its role in the production of epinephrine, a brain chemical involved in vagus nerve activity taste. Your body needs L-tyrosine to produce norepinephrine, and norepinephrine can help reduce stress. Study available at : Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands–A review.

PEA: Metabrim NRG contains an ingredient called phenylethylamine HCl, or PEA. PEA is a compound that stimulates the central nervous system. According to Dr. Mike and the Metabrim NRG team, the PEA in the formula can help improve your mood, reduce stress, support metabolism and boost energy levels, among many other benefits. Study available at : Phenylethylamine: The Little-Known Supplement that Supports Brain Health.

Caffeine Anhydrous: Metabrim NRG contains caffeine, one of the most common stimulants found in weight loss pills. Caffeine is a proven fat burner and thermogenic. It raises the temperature in your body, making it easier for you to lose weight. Study available at : Effect of caffeine on the metabolic responses of lipolysis and activated sweat gland density in human during physical activity.

Phenylethylamine HCL: Phenethylamine regulates monoamine neurotransmission in the brain by binding to trace amine-binding receptor 1 (TAAR1) and blocking vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). It also acts as a neurotransmitter in the human central nervous system to a lesser extent. Study available at : β-phenylethylamine, a small molecule with a large impact.

Kola seeds: Kola seeds are used to treat fatigue, sadness, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), melancholia, lack of normal muscle tone (atony), exhaustion, dysentery, diarrhoea loss of tone, weight loss, and migraines in the short term. 

Raspberry Ketone: Raspberry ketone is a substance derived from red raspberries believed to aid in weight loss. Some animal or laboratory studies show that the ketones in raspberries can boost metabolism, increase the rate at which the body uses fat, and suppress appetite.

L-carnitine: Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is neuroprotective in patients with peripheral neuropathy of various etiologies. Preclinical investigations in both neuropathic and nociceptive models show a central antinociceptive activity. Acetyl-L-carnitine reduces pain, nerve regeneration and vibration perception in patients with diabetic neuropathy. 

Metabrim NRG Ingredients Label

Metabrim NRG manufacturers do not disclose in advance the complete list of ingredients or dosages in the formula. We could not find dosage information or a complete ingredient list anywhere on, making it challenging to compare this product with scientific studies or competitive weight loss formulas.

Because Metabrim NRG contains a stimulant (such as caffeine), taking it is very important. Some diet pills contain 80 to 120mg of caffeine (equivalent to a coffee cup). Other diet pills have significantly higher dosages, tricking you into thinking diet pills have boosted your energy.

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Metabrim NRG


You can expect to receive a range of guaranteed benefits if you use Metabrim NRG regularly. They offer these advantages to everyone, regardless of age, lifestyle or body shape, among other factors.

How much weight can you lose with Metabrim NRG?

The product was created by someone named Brad Palmer. Brad claims his wife lost weight quickly after taking Metabrim NRG – and it only took a few weeks.

Below is the amount of weight that customers have lost while taking Metabrim NRG, according to

Brad’s wife Sophie has purposefully lost 38 pounds of fat confidently in just a few weeks by taking this metabolism boosting supplement Brad also uses this formula. They were claiming that he lost 10lbs in the first month of using the formula. Brad gave Metabrim NRG to his sister-in-law Bonnie, who lost 12 pounds in a few weeks using the formula, claiming it was the most straightforward 12 pounds she’s ever lost.

Driven by successful family trials, Mike decided to partner with Vitabrim Health and sell his weight loss formula to the world. Today, Brad recommends taking his formula for 90 to 180 days to maximize weight loss.

Scientific Evidence for Metabrim NRG has a reference page with 25 studies. Each study supports one or more Metabrim NRG, linking those ingredients to health benefits, weight loss, metabolic effects, and more. Although this product has not completed any clinical trials or studies, the formula contains ingredients that are backed by scientific evidence.

Glucomannan appears to be one of the most prominent and most essential ingredients in Metabrim NRG. According to this 2013 study, glucomannan is a good source of safe for most adults to use in regular doses. However, the researchers found no difference in weight loss, body composition, hunger and satiety, or lipid and glucose parameters compared with placebo. Participants who took 1.33g of glucomannan or a placebo looked identical over eight weeks.

However, the heliotrope root is indeed rich in glucomannan. About 40% of the dry weight of heliotrope consists of glucomannan. The heliotrope is native to Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, including Madagascar. It has a rich history of use in traditional Southeast Asian medicine, although it is also used in cooking and medicine in Madagascar. Caffeine is another unusual ingredient in this metabolism boosting product. Many studies have connected caffeine with weight loss benefits. As the Mayo Clinic explains, caffeine has been shown to suppress appetite and boost calorie burning, making it an effective weight loss aid. Although Metabrim NRG doesn’t disclose specific caffeine dosages in advance, the average cup of coffee contains 80mg to 120mg of caffeine, and most diet pills have similar dosages.

Overall, Metabrim NRG contains many proven weight loss ingredients. However, without knowing the dosages of the ingredients in advance, it can be not easy to compare this weight loss product with scientific studies or prove it works as advertised.

Metabrim NRG Pricing

Metabrim NRG is priced at $49 a bottle, though prices drop as low as $34 a bottle when ordering multiple units.

You can purchase Metabrim NRG exclusively through, where pricing is broken down as follows:

Metabrim NRG Price


As part of the summer 2021 promotion, the makers of this product include two eBooks with all purchases, including:

Bonus #1: 7 Quick Ways to Curb Your Cravings: This e-book teaches you how to switch your appetite-driven and appetite-control approach. You can boost fat loss with a few simple steps.

Bonus #2: A Daily Guide to Mindful Eating: Many people lose weight by eating mindfully. Mindful eating can make it easier to lose weight. This e-book teaches you how to avoid stress eating while developing a positive mental attitude, creating a physically and mentally strong weight loss program.

Bonus #3: Metabolic Breathe: Your purchase also comes with a breathing program called Metabolic Breathe. By practising special breathing techniques, you can purposefully control hunger and cravings, reduce stress and cortisol, improve digestion, and optimize your metabolism, and other supported benefits. Study available at : The “Senobi” breathing exercise is recommended as first line treatment for obesity.

1 x Bottle of Ultra Colon Cleanse (With Pack of 6): If you purchase a pack of 6 Metabrim NRG bottles, you will receive a complimentary bottle of Ultra Colon Cleanse. According to, Ultra Colon Cleanse “can help you lose up to 17 pounds quickly” by releasing digested waste from your intestines.

Refund Policy

Vitabrim Health backs all purchases with a 180-day money-back guarantee. You can request a refund within 180 days of your original purchase.

180-day money-back guarantee

If you do not lose significant weight while using Metabrim NRG or are not satisfied with the supplement results for any reason, you can request a full refund within 180 days.

ALSO SEE: Metabrim NRG Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Does It Really Work For Everyone?

About Vitabrim Health

Metabrim NRG is manufactured by a company called Vitabrim Health. The company has partnered with Digistore24 to sell their supplements online. Vitabrim Health is a supplement company based in Camas, Washington, that offers a wide range of health and wellness solutions. You can contact the Vitabrim Health team using the following information:

Official Website :


Mailing address: 3242 NE 3 Avenue, #1018, Camas, WA 98607

The company also lists a return address in West Jordan, Utah. However, the company’s mailing address is in Camas, Washington. Other popular supplements from Vitabrim Health include Garcinia Cambogia Complex, Immunity Shield Plus, and Thermo Flab Buster.

Metabrim NRG Reviews : Conclusion

All in all, Metabrim NRG is an effective fat loss formula designed to help boosts metabolism, aides appetite suppression and weight loss support. The ingredients in Metabrim NRG supplement are 100% natural. It claims to help you boost your metabolism and lose weight by targeting your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve helps the stomach communicate with the brain.

As you age, your vagus nerve health can weaken, disrupt this communication process, and make it difficult for you to lose weight. Metabrim NRG claims to counteract this effect, making it easier to lose weight.

To learn more about Metabrim NRG and how the supplement works, go online today at This supplement costs $49 a bottle and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.


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